Urantia Studies is, first and foremost, a gathering of students who have embraced The Fifth Epochal Revelation (5ER) to human kind. These enthusiastic readers of The Urantia Book have, in light of its teachings, developed a hunger for Truth, hearts for service, and a fervent desire to become more effective in our personal and organizational ministries.
Ours is a purpose driven group, one which recognizes that God resides within each of us. We engage in lively discussion and build authentic community as we search the revelation for ways to become ever more responsive to Divine leading. The group dynamic serves to refine our vision, to inform our personal motivation as well as enhance our commitment to the highest fidelity in relationships.
We sponsor activities that help people to discern Our Father’s will, to develop an appreciation for the opportunities He grants us, and work to increase each person’s understanding of the Jesusonian command to love one another as he loves us. We are continuously working to share the revelation in creative ways. This intentional community is service motivated and truly diverse.
Read and Discuss the Urantia Papers at Ascension Cafe
Our Forum is here: https://ascensioncafe.org/forums/topic/the-titles-of-the-papers/
Join Our Weekly Conversation on Zoom
You can join our one hour informal weekly study sessions every Wednesday via Zoom at 5:00 PM Eastern time. Here is the meeting link: Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89835025343
Listen to the Jesusonian Fellowship Podcast
Visit www.JesusonianFellowship.org to listen. You will also find Luminary, Apple, Spotify, Overcast, Google and other links so you can use your favorite podcast app to subscribe.
Search any Term within any Translation of the Book

You can search on any term contained in any translation of the Urantia Papers here: https://urantia.nyc/tc/searchengines/
To learn about how these search systems were developed, we have provided the original treatise authored by our pioneering friend and mentor, the late Troy R. Bishop. Troy’s work on Urantia Book Programming is foundational to the lightning fast search engines that are based on his discoveries related to the genome of the Urantia Book. Read about it here: https://ascensioncafe.org/urantia-book-programming/